Do not be afraid of uncertainties

Measurement uncertainty calculations help you discover a lot of information about a measuring process. Our colloquium will help you not to be afraid of this method.

If you feel uncertain about measurement uncertainty, this workshop is for you. Measuring systems can be verified by MSA, VDA5 or by input influences. It is not always easy to determine the right and most effective procedure. However, if we choose to uncertainty calculations, we will get maximum information about the behaviour of the measuring system, help us make sure that the risk of a wrong measurement is avoided.

  • Do you always think about the right method to verify the measuring system?
  • Which method is the most convenient one?
  • Do you know which influences significantly distort the measured values and which influences can be neglected?
  • Do you know that your company can save considerable costs by using uncertainty calculations?

You will learn how to master and correctly apply the principles of uncertainty measurement calculations. We will have a look at the „close up“ measuring system and analyze all its possible influences. We will discuss together the advantages and disadvantages of VDA5 and MSA measurement systems qualifications. You will learn to work with processes like roughness, hardness, destructive testing … You can share the approaches and problems you have in practice with colleagues from other companies. After completing the course, you will be able to choose the most efficient method, not only for measuring system verification, but also in terms of the costs.

Who can benefit from the colloquium

  • Quality engineers, quality planners, metrologists, quality specialists
  • Production engineers, process engineers

Requirements for participants

  • Knowledge of basic statistical and metrological terms
  • Knowledge of the measurement processes capability by MSA and VDA5 is a great advantage.



19 000 Kč
Scope of training 2 days

We can organize a training for your company in our training center or at your place. We can also offer you training alternatives that will suit you more. Write to us, we will be happy to arrange details with you.

We use our own tutorial videos, most of which are published on our diribetstatisfaction channel.
