Root cause analysis

Problem solving is the daily activity of all engineers and managers. However, root cause analysis often fails, and attempts to resolve the problem as soon as possible ignores the data and facts connected to this problem. Our colloquium will help you analyze and confirm the cause without forgetting important steps.

Problem solving is one of the most common activities in many companies. Searching for a root cause often means finding someone to blame, and not removing the root of the problem. Under time pressure and in the middle of fight we forget about data and facts, presumptions often win, and it only matters to get rid of the problem as quick as possible. Keeping the right procedure of problem solving is not always a matter of course.

  • Before you start solving a problem, do you always look for all the available facts?
  • Do you work with data already by the problem definition?
  • Are you sure that each of you is solving the same problem?
  • Are your claims always supported by data and facts?
  • Do you know that a problem usually has more than one root cause?
  • Do you have a clear procedure to confirm the cause?

Our colloquium will guide participants through the whole problem solving process, from identifying the customer’s problem or claim through quality assurance, correct problem definition, finding a root cause, confirming it, and validating the effectiveness of corrective actions. However, the aim of the colloquium is not only to explain the importance of the 8D process but, in particular, to learn how to properly work with data and facts when defining the problem and confirming the root cause. The participant will be able to correctly use the Is/Is not, Ishikawa (Fish bone) or 5WHY methods and avoid the most common mistakes in analysing and solving problems.

Who can benefit from the colloquium

  • Quality engineers, quality planners, process engineers
  • Managers at all levels of management
  • Anyone who has to solve problems, so basically everyone …

Requirements for participants

  • Common sense, and determination to follow the facts.


19 000 Kč
Scope of training 2 days

We can organize a training for your company in our training center or at your place. We can also offer you training alternatives that will suit you more. Write to us, we will be happy to arrange details with you.
